Happy Birthday to the One and Only Liz Berube!
"If You're Capricorn" Young Romance #170 (February/March 1971)
Let's take a moment to wish Liz Berube (AKA Elizabeth) a very happy birthday! The above ode to Capricorns appeared in Young Romance #170 -- just in time for her birthday!* I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Liz in person but over the years, her emails and willingness to talk about her days working in comics have been nothing short of a delightful. I hope the day comes when I can finally meet her, give her a big hug, and thank her for the beauty she brought to the genre. In the meantime, this birthday greeting will have to do -- Happy Birthday, Liz!!!
*I've shared a few other astrological signs by Elizabeth in previous posts -- Gemini, Aries, Aquarius. More are on deck for future posts!
For more romance comic book goodness, check out my new book How to Go Steady!