Ginchy! Fab! Groovy! A Birthday Remembrance of Romance Comic Book Great - Win Mortimer
Holy cow it's May! How did that happen?! The year is certainly flying, but let's slow things down and take a moment to celebrate the birthday of one of the greatest romance artists ever -- Win Mortimer! Mortimer is hands down one of my personal favorite comic book artists of all time, and if you take a look at this cute "Cindy the Salesgirl!" story from Falling in Love #98 (April 1968) , I think you'll see why. I believe this to be the first appearance of shopgirl Cindy, and although I posted part of the story a few years ago, I wanted to post the whole thing today to really give you a good look at the genius that is Win Mortimer. Enjoy!
In future installments, Cindy would continue to model outfits for her demanding customers -- always with a humorous, surprise ending. Not only were the fashions divine in the "Cindy the Salesgirl!" stories, they were a creative way in which to present to readers a fashion featurette in sequential form. I dig!!!
Does the "skimpy" outfit on page five look familiar? Mad Men Image from Fashion Magazine.
Thank you Mortimer for everything! You and your work will not be forgotten anytime soon!