The August Break 2013 Here at Sequential Crush
Day 4 - "Love" (my paper loves)
When it comes to work, writing, and life stuff, I do my best to manage time efficiently. But, as I am sure all of you can relate, there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done! In light of this, (and because I have a large project I am trying to finish before fall) this month I have decided to participate in Susannah Conway's photo challenge -- The August Break. So, instead of regular posts this month, I am going to just simply take a photo a day following the prompts. I have hopes it will be a fun way to challenge myself creatively in how I think about the romance comics, and be a little something different for you too! I'll post the pics every couple days here at the blog, but feel free to follow me over on Instagram. Please enjoy, and I'll be back in September with more stories, art, and other romance comic book goodness!