Mad Mad Modes for Moderns Mondays - Keep Him Guessing (With False Hair)
"Mad Mad Modes for Moderns" Girls' Romances #136 (October 1968) Illustrated by Jay Scott Pike
Happy Monday, all! I hope you had a fantastic weekend! Today I have for you a Mad Mad Modes for Moderns that extols the virtues of synthetic hair. I didn't really realize the full importance of fake hair in the 1960s until my foray into the romance comics. Between fashion featurettes such as this, and advertisements for wigs and falls -- it appears false hair has played a rather substantial role in our nation's history! Just ask the Founding Fathers!*
I also dug up for your reading pleasure "How to Play it Cool This Summer, Baby!" from Girls' Romances #150 (July 1970). I was actually surprised to read (and I think you will be too) the insistence on staying safe under the hot rays of the summer sun. Definitely advice we can all dig today, right?
So, I think you may have noticed, I'm spending less time here at Sequential Crush lately than I used to. It makes me sad, but unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day and I've been working on a few other projects. I'm definitely not quitting anytime soon though, rest assured! Absolutely not! But, if you need some more romance comic book goodness in between posts, I encourage you to go over to the Sequential Crush Facebook page that I have created, and give it the ole "Like." I post links and art over there -- I don't think you'll be disappointed!
*Cue awkward laughter :)