Mad Mad Modes for Moderns Mondays - Examining Copy
"Mad Mad Modes for Moderns" Falling in Love #90 (April 1967) Illustrated by Tony Abruzzo
Happy Monday everyone! This is probably a short week for many of you with Thanksgiving rapidly approaching! I have some good stuff planned this week, so be sure to check back! And now... a little observation!
I personally, love the "Mad Mad Modes for Moderns" filler pages. I am especially fond of the one above as it displays not only some enviable outfits but the subtle background design pulls the two pages together nicely. However, I have noticed with this series that I find myself concentrating on the artwork and ignoring the copy. After all, it is a little *ahem* cheesy if you will, and occasionally it borders on the nonsensical side. Interestingly, they also almost all contain multiple references to felines! Most utilized in the "Mad Mad Modes for Moderns" across the board seems to be the word "tiger." Today's example contains no less than eight references to the creatures belonging to the Family Felidae, including tiger (mentioned three times), pussycat (used twice), cat, feline, and tomcats!
Usually, when I read the romance comics I try to take both art and text into consideration when deciding my feelings on a story, but with "Mad Mad Modes for Moderns" I find it is best to just enjoy the art for what it is -- gorgeous fashion illustration!