The Gallery of Regrettable Fashion AKA Your Next Halloween Costume!
Halloween is rapidly approaching! Still looking for that perfect costume? Well, look no further than the pages of the '60s and '70s romance comics! While most of the fashion choices in the romance books are quite lovely, here are a few that are just a tad off the mark but may be perfect for that costume party you're obliged to attend!
Whoa! That outfit is quite the statement, isn't it? From "I'll Be a Modern Wife" Just Married #61 (November 1968) Pencils and Inks: Luis Avila
In his defense, he is a rockstar... From "Forbidden Romance" Secret Hearts #137 (July 1969) Pencils and Inks: Tony Abruzzo
Immediately following the mysterious disappearance of the local zoo's tiger... From "Love is a Game... for Two!" Girls' Romances #145 (December 1969)
Romance character or lost super-heroine from the DC universe? From "Beggar for Love" Girls' Romances #146 (January 1970)
Ah, the rebelliousness of youth -- flip-flops and ponchos. From "Love a la Mode" Girls' Love Stories #160 (July 1971) Pencils: George Tuska, Inks: Vince Colletta
She stands out? From "Cage of Love" Young Romance #173 (August 1971) Pencils and Inks: John Rosenberger
"Please, Joe -- please! Take off that ridiculous sweater vest before kissing me!" From "Too Easy to Love" Heart Throbs #134 (October 1971)
Gratuitous hot pants! From "The Facts of Life" Young Romance #178 (January 1972)
"Welcome to Planet X-72, you will be given your uniform shortly!" From "Never Give up on Love!" Romantic Story #118 (April 1972) Pencils: Don Perlin, Inks: Vincent Alascia
"I said I wouldn't blame you for walking out on me! ...but, I do blame you for that outfit." From "...the Man in my Life!" Girls' Love Stories #170 (June 1972) Pencils: John Romita (Retouched Reprint)
My thoughts exactly... From "First Date" Falling in Love #142 (August/September 1973)
Too bad his date can't say the same about him... From "Like Love" For Lovers Only #82 (December 1975) Pencils and Inks: Enrique Nieto