Back from Comic-Con International!
Good evening! I have returned from San Diego! I got back home late last night, and jetted off to work early this morning. This is the first chance I have had to do a recap of the convention and to sit down and really think about all the exciting things that I did and saw! I wish I had taken more pictures, but my camera batteries kept dying and frankly I am not that good of a photographer, so it's probably just as well!
The trip out there was easy as could be! We were supposed to make three transfers, but our first flight was canceled and we were put on a more direct route -- which put us in San Diego earlier than we were originally going to be. The airline serendipitously put us in first class for the "inconvenience."
After getting settled at our hotel, we made our way to the con. I always think that walking up to the convention center for the first day of a show is super exciting. The anticipation was no less in San Diego.
View from the Trolley platform on the first day of the show!
Between staying at our table in the Small Press area, going to panels and walking the floor to do some shopping, I saw a ton of familiar faces and met some really amazing new people. Everyone was really receptive to Sequential Crush and to my presentation on romance artists which I gave at the Comics Arts Conference (CAC). Presenting next to me at the CAC was the very knowledgeable Jarett Kobek who also shares an interest in later era of romance comics. He was super cool and really had some interesting takes on the more psychedelic Charlton romance books, especially those containing the character Jonnie L♥ve. I wish I had had more time to talk with him and his equally cool friend Elly -- as it was truly bizarre to meet someone else with such close interests to my own. Hopefully I will see them again at a convention in the future! If his schedule allows, Jarett might be doing a guest blog here at Sequential Crush in the near future, which would be really great!
Cover of the booklet I handed out during my presentation. Snag the pdf version here!
In addition to the little presentation I gave, I also was on a panel concerning the effects of a college education on comic book careers. The consensus from most of the artists (and myself) was that college (and/or art school) is not necessary for pursuing a career in the industry. As the only non-artist on the panel, I recommended getting a formal education for the life experience and the mentoring opportunities it opens up -- but ultimately talent, drive, passion and professionalism are the factors that will seal the deal. I think someone may have filmed it. I will post the panel video if that was the case.
It seems that every year the dealer's section of the San Diego show gets smaller and smaller. There really weren't too many romance comics to be found. I am almost positive that I bought the majority of the moderately priced romance books from the '60s and '70s that were in good condition! Many of the dealer's romance books were either way overpriced or in terrible shape. I did score a nice lot of Charlton's from Motor City Comics who were kind enough to give me a really great deal. I highly recommend them for all your romance comic needs! In total I bought 33 romance comics including a Patsy Walker, a Modeling With Millie, two gothic/horror romance comics, lots of DC romance books and an Adventure Comics "Special All-Romance Issue" starring Supergirl!
Back at the hotel, looking over my loot from Preview Night.
Some of the other highlights of the convention included: attending a panel by Trina Robbins on her new book The Brinkley Girls and speaking with her afterwards about romance comics; visiting with Michelle Nolan -- author of Love on the Racks and romance comic book aficionado while digging through long boxes; and talking with Shelly Moldoff and Paul Norris's son on the way to my presentation. I was a little too exhausted from flying and the time change to party too much in the evenings, but spending some time in the Gaslamp Quarter was a refreshing change from the too-quiet town I live in now. I descended on the Urban Outfitters...and look what I found!
A romance comics t-shirt! If it hadn't been for the goofy striped arms I would have bought it!
Overall I had a lot of fun, even though the time there just flew by! It wasn't the best convention for purchasing romance comics, but all the amazing people I met and spoke with made up for that! I hope to make it back next year!
Promoting Super Human Resources in the Small Press area and enjoying romance comics at the same time!