Happy Father's Day!
I hope all you dads out there are having a relaxing and enjoyable day! In honor of this special day I thought I would share a "crazy" little story from Heart Throbs #130 (February/March 1971).
I present to you for your enjoyment, "Like Father, Like Daughter." This story unfolds a little more slowly than some romance stories -- but the deep, dark secret is worth the wait!
Cindy and her mother move to a new town, after running from their last domicile. As they unload the moving truck, a couple of young men with eyes for the pretty young lady greet them. Cindy's mother ushers her into the new house, reminding her what happened last time when people found out about Cindy's father. Since she is pretty much banned from talking to anyone by her mother, Cindy is perceived as shy and has trouble connecting with dates and with her peers at school.
Soon, the mother and daughter once again become the town's gossip. Everyone is curious where they go on Sundays with bags of books and food. Finally Cindy can't take it anymore and tells the neighbor-folk to mind their own business. She runs off, "blind with tears and anger," but is quickly approached by a kind young man, Ted. After pulling it together, Ted and Cindy go on a multitude of dates. Eventually their time spent together blossoms into love and everyday they grow closer. She gradually begins to let down the wall that she has built around her. Naturally Cindy wants to tell Ted her deep, dark secret -- but she still feels like she can't. Ted insists that she meet his parents, in hopes that their meeting will put her more at ease. Ted's parents seem friendly enough, and Ted's father boasts about his "ability to understand the younger generation." Then comes the moment of dread. Ted's parents ask about Cindy's father.
And so, the secret is revealed! Cindy's father is in a mental facility. Ted, being the tender guy that he is lets Cindy know that everything is cool, and that his parents will understand. Of course they understand... to her face! What Cindy and Ted don't know though is that when Ted's parents retire upstairs for the evening they start talking smack. They hope that the affair between the lovebirds is just temporary puppy love, and that it will wear out. Boy, are they wrong! They continue to get closer and Ted and Cindy become engaged. This of course infuriates Ted's parents.
Ah threats! They work every time! Or do they?
Cindy is intent on marrying Ted, until her mother drops a bomb on her... Cindy can't have children because she risks passing on her father's mental illness. Her mother tells her she will make it up to her with a long trip to Europe.
Instead of mourning the loss of her supportive fiance, Cindy wonders how her mother could even afford a trip to Europe. After some rummaging and detective work, Cindy learns that it was all hush money from Ted's father. He certainly doesn't deserve a new tie for Father's Day, now does he?
Luckily, the love that Ted and Cindy share remains solid and it is the three parental units that are left to wallow in their self-conscious shame.
So, there you have it. My tribute to Father's Day. I like to think that after the last panel, Ted and Cindy went off to visit her father at the mental institution -- and that he was the only one who gave his blessing toward their union.