Too (fill in the blank) to Love!
Recently, while flipping through dozens of romance comics from the '70s, I noticed a little pattern with a number of titles -- the use of the intensifier, "too." Below are eight splash pages from eight different stories. The following titles are not just descriptive of the plot line; they also insinuate some sort of value judgment placed upon the female character and allude to her potential status as damaged, undesirable, or different. Keep reading to see what I mean!
"Too Spoiled for Love" Girls' Love Stories #154 (October 1970)
"Too Beautiful to be Loved" Girls' Romances #147 (March 1970)
"Too Good to be Loved" Girls' Romances #149 (June 1970)
"Too Old for Love!" Falling in Love #122 (April 1971)
DC was confident the above character was indeed "too old." Charlton on the other hand, just wasn't so sure; therefore necessitating the question mark!
"Too Old to Love?" Romantic Story #119 (June 1972)
"Too Smart to Love" Falling in Love #137 (October 1972)
"Too Tall to Love" Falling in Love #130 (March 1972)
"Too Clumsy to Love" Girls' Love Stories #168 (April 1972)
Which title intrigues you the most? Let me know in the comments, and the story with the most votes by Sunday evening will get an entire post dedicated to it next week!!! So which story with a declarative title will it be? Leave a comment and let me know!
Too spoiled?
Too beautiful?
Too good?
Too old?
Too smart?
Too tall?
Too clumsy?