Choosing a Career - The Romance Comic Book Way!
Romance comics are filled with stories of career girls -- actresses, flight attendants, nurses, secretaries. All glamorized occupations which promised readers not only a salary but perhaps a man as well. Charlton's Career Girl Romances took it a step further with a semi-regular text article entitled, "Choosing a Career." Written by advice columnist, Jeannette Copeland, these articles are straight-to-the-point and detail the various opportunities within the mentioned fields, as well as the education and training necessary for each.
Modeling is a rather "traditionally" female occupation and was often featured in romance stories as a ticket to freedom and style. Though a rather predictable career option to feature in a romance comic, this article has some good information concerning salary ($85 to $90 a week, approximately $470 in 2010) and fall back options for models -- typing and shorthand.
"Choosing a Career: Modeling!" Career Girl Romances #71 (October 1972)
An article on modeling is to be expected, but how about an article on becoming a Female Sky Marshal? Bet you weren't expecting that! Do yourself a favor and read this -- it is terribly interesting from a historical perspective and a little eerie too, in light of the recent events of the past decade.
"Choosing a Career: Female Sky Marshal!" Career Girl Romances #66 (December 1971)
The final "Choosing a Career" article this evening (courtesy of Mykal Banta) presents two career choices that couldn't be more different -- Federal Architect and Entomologist. Though they may seem like random choices for one article, they both demonstrate ways in which educated women could enter into the ranks of Federal employment.
"Choosing a Career: Federal Architect or Entomologist?" Career Girl Romances #69 (June 1972)
I was really excited to read these articles in Career Girl Romances as they are rather divergent from the usual sequential romance stories of working girls. Though a tad dry, Ms. Copeland and the gang from Charlton gave young women career ideas and options that provided alternatives to nursing, secretarial work, and other female-centric vocations.
If I find any more of these gems, I will be sure to share! They are such great snippets documenting attitudes of women in the workforce in the '70s, and I don't want any of you to miss out! Ya know -- just in case you were thinking of a career change!