The Changing Logos of Young Romance
Part of what makes romance comics so dynamic and fun to collect are the colorful logos that grace their covers. Throughout the run of any given series, the logos usually changed in design, color, and size -- giving each comic a distinct look. Young Romance was no exception, and its logo changed throughout its run at DC.*
Logo One - Issue #125 (August/September 1963) through issue #130 (June/July 1964)
Logo Two - Issue #131 (August/September 1964) through issue #153 (April/May 1968)
Though technically not a different logo, the iconic checkerboard that appeared on so many DC titles during this time period, made its way onto the romance books as well. Issue #141 (April/May 1966) through issue #148 (June/July 1967)
Logo Three - Issue #154 (June/July 1968) through issue #167(August/September 1970)
Logo Four - Issue #168 (October/November 1970) through issue #195 (September/October 1973)
Logo Five - Issue #196 (November/December 1973) through the last issue, #208 (November/December 1975)
Within these five major logo designs, there were slight variations in size, coloring, and positioning. I myself prefer logo three as it seems the most iconic. I also like the way the letters seem to wrap around one another. What do you think? Which Young Romance logo is your favorite?
*Young Romance, known as the first romance comic book, was originally created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby for Crestwood's Prize imprint. While at Prize, the series ran for 124 issues from September/October 1947 to June/July 1963. The logos of the series while published by Prize, more or less stayed the same throughout the run -- changing little in its first six years.